Chinese people have no prejudges against any source of proteins. Insects, snakes or dogs have their place in Chinese cuisine. Majority of Westerners put that fact among other ‘legends’ about the Far East and don’t give it much thought. Most people don’t wonder how a dog would taste. They usually don’t even want to wonder about that. You can count yourself as one of those people. The thing that distinguishes you from majority is that, you were invited by a Chinese family for a New Year's dinner …
Christmas is over. Santa Clauses and reindeer that have been occupying shop windows since November are being replaced by red lanterns. Streets become more and more bright and colorful with little lights and decorations. It’s unmistakable sign that lunar New Year is coming near. You’re pretty excited. This year you were invited to spend this holiday with a Chinese family… |
Who am I?
Click here to edit. My name is Aga.
I come from Poland. Currently (since October 2012) I’m working in China as an English teacher embracing my new life as a foreigner in the Far East. For more - look “About me” chapter. Categories
July 2016
Photos made available under a Creative Commons License.