Strolling down Suzhou streets, you’re looking for souvenirs. From each stand new wonders appear to call out to you, demanding your attention. Elegant fans, airy silk, enchanting embroidery… There’s however one thing, that appears to be ‘an ugly duckling’ among all this colourful merchandise. Simple, brown, egg-shaped object made of clay. You look at it for a moment without paying much attention. It’s not beautiful. You can’t think of anything that it would apply to either. Not very concerned with the object you simply pass by. That is at least until you hear someone playing the flute…
Whenever you’re going abroad there’s always one dilemma that strikes you while packing your stuff. You want to take with you your laptop, camera, mobile phone. Each of them at some point inevitably will require charging. You know that for sure. You pack chargers for all them and then comes sudden realization “Will I really be able to plug them in?”… By principle you dislike big cities. They are crowded, noisy and polluted. You live in a small town in southeastern China and you’re very happy because of that. Once in a while however, you feel the need to see something more – to see, so called ‘big world’. Whether it is out of curiosity, or simply to have an excuse that you haven’t spend your whole time in the middle of nowhere, you choose to visit one of the famous Chinese cities. You go to Suzhou and surprisingly to yourself, you wish to stay longer than you’ve planned… |
Who am I?
Click here to edit. My name is Aga.
I come from Poland. Currently (since October 2012) I’m working in China as an English teacher embracing my new life as a foreigner in the Far East. For more - look “About me” chapter. Categories
July 2016
Photos made available under a Creative Commons License.