For average Westerner Chinese cuisine appears to be something shrouded in mystery. Many new tastes (often very odd). Vegetables and fruit you’ve never seen before (and can’t even begin to guess what they might be). Unbelievable kinds of meat (or should we rather say sources of proteins – hard to tell if you fried insects can be counted as meat). All of that makes eating in China a real adventure which, however thrilling, can also be tiring at times. Adventures are good to make your life more interesting. Nonetheless in everyday life you’d prefer something relatively ‘normal’ for a meal. What would be a safe choice?
In China people don’t eat fresh vegetables. Everything is cooked, steamed or fried. For a Westerner used to eating salads for every dinner it’s something hard to cope with. You can probably imagine how excited you’d be if a waiter unexpectedly brings you a plate of fresh sliced tomato. Unable to believe your happiness you reach for your long desired source of vitamins. You take a bite and… your excitement immediately goes down the drain. Supermarket is a place which is supposed to provide us with a variety of everyday life products (from home appliances to snacks). That’s something common to all the countries. There is however a world of difference between the needs of everyday life in Western and Eastern cultures. It is something you may all of a sudden painfully realize when going to a supermarket. To save yourself a disappointment you should be prepared ahead of time. Check what you won't be able to buy in China… |
Who am I?
Click here to edit. My name is Aga.
I come from Poland. Currently (since October 2012) I’m working in China as an English teacher embracing my new life as a foreigner in the Far East. For more - look “About me” chapter. Categories
July 2016
Photos made available under a Creative Commons License.